Source code for anml.parameter.spline_variable

Spline Variable

A subclass of :class:`anml.parameter.variables.Variable` that handles spline related computations.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List, Optional, Union
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from xspline import XSpline

from anml.parameter.variables import Variable, VariableError
from anml.parameter.prior import Prior

[docs]@dataclass class SplineLinearConstr: """Constraints on spline derivatives. The general form is lb <= Ax <= ub where x is in some interval domain `x_domain`, and A can be 0th, 1st or 2nd order derivative matrix of the splines evaluated at some discretization points. A is not known at the initialization of this object, but will have dimension `grid_size` by `number of spline basis`. `lb` and `ub` are vectors of multiples of ones. This type of constraints can be used to impose monotonicity and convexity constraints. For instance, for splines defined on `[0, 5]`, one can specify monotonically decreasing on `[0,1]` with `constr = SplineLinearConstr(x_domain=[0, 1], y_bounds=[-np.inf, 0.0], order=1)`, monotonically increasing on `[4, 5]` with `constr = SplineLinearConstr(x_domain=[4, 5], y_bounds=[0.0, np.inf], order=1)`, and overall convexity with `constr = SplineLinearConstr(x_domain=[0, 5], y_bounds=[0.0, np.inf], order=2)`. Parameters ---------- order: int order of the derivative y_bounds: List[float, float] bounds for y = Ax x_domain: List[float, float], optional domain for x, default to be -inf to inf grid_size: int, optional size of grid Raises ------ ValueError domain for x is not valid. ValueError bounds for y = Ax is not valid. ValueError invalid derivative order ValueError invalid grid size """ order: int y_bounds: List[float] x_domain: List[float] = field(default_factory=lambda: [-np.inf, np.inf]) grid_size: int = None def __post_init__(self): if self.x_domain[0] >= self.x_domain[1]: raise ValueError('Domain must have positive length.') if self.y_bounds[0] > self.y_bounds[1]: raise ValueError('Lower bound cannot be greater than upper bound.') if self.order < 0: raise ValueError('Order of derivative must be nonnegative.') if self.grid_size is not None and self.grid_size < 1: raise ValueError('Grid size must be at least 1.')
[docs]@dataclass class Spline(Variable): """Spline variable. Parameters ---------- knots_type : str type of knots. can only be 'frequency' or 'domain' knots_num: int number of knots degree: int degree of spines l_linear: bool whether left tail is linear r_linear: bool whether right tail is linear include_intercept: bool whether to include intercept in design matrix derivative_constr: List[`~anml.parameter.spline_variable.SplineLinearConstr`] constraints on derivatives constr_grid_size_global: int, optional number of points to use when building constraint matrix. used only when `grid_size` for individual `~anml.parameter.spline_variable.SplineLinearConstr` is not available Raises ------ VariableError unknown knot type VariableError no covariate has been set """ fe_prior: Optional[Prior] = field(init=False) add_re: bool = field(init=False) knots_type: str = 'frequency' knots_num: int = 3 degree: int = 3 l_linear: bool = False r_linear: bool = False include_intercept: bool = False derivative_constr: List[SplineLinearConstr] = field(default_factory=lambda: []) constr_grid_size_global: int = None spline: Optional[XSpline] = field(init=False) x: Optional[np.ndarray] = field(init=False) constr_matrix_fe: Optional[np.ndarray] = field(init=False) constr_lb_fe: Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]] = field(init=False) constr_ub_fe: Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]] = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self): if self.knots_type not in ['frequency', 'domain']: raise VariableError(f"Unknown knots_type for Spline {self.knots_type}.") self.spline = None self.add_re = False self.fe_prior = None Variable.__post_init__(self) if self.fe_prior is None: self.set_fe_prior( Prior(lower_bound=[-np.inf] * self._count_num_fe(), upper_bound=[np.inf] * self._count_num_fe()) ) def _count_num_fe(self): return self.knots_num - self.l_linear - self.r_linear + - 1 - int(not self.include_intercept)
[docs] def set_fe_prior(self, prior: Prior): if prior.x_dim != self.num_fe: raise ValueError(f'Dimension of fe_prior = {prior.x_dim} should match num_fe = {self.num_fe}.') self.fe_prior = prior
[docs] def create_spline(self, df: pd.DataFrame): if self.covariate is None: raise VariableError("No covariate has been set.") self.x = df[self.covariate].values spline_knots = np.linspace(0, 1, self.knots_num) if self.knots_type == 'frequency': knots = np.quantile(self.x, spline_knots) elif self.knots_type == 'domain': knots = np.min(self.x) + spline_knots * (np.max(self.x) - np.min(self.x)) else: raise VariableError(f"Unknown knots_type for Spline {self.knots_type}.") self.spline = XSpline( knots=knots,, l_linear=self.l_linear, r_linear=self.r_linear )
def _design_matrix(self, df: pd.DataFrame, create_spline: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: if create_spline: self.create_spline(df) if self.include_intercept: return self.spline.design_mat(self.x) else: return self.spline.design_mat(self.x)[:, 1:]
[docs] def build_constraint_matrix_fe(self): """build constrain matrix and bounds for `constr_lb` <= `constr_matrix` <= `constr_ub`. Returns ------- List[np.ndarray] constraint matrix, lower bounds and upper bounds. """ lb, ub = min(self.x), max(self.x) constr_matrices = [] constr_lbs = [] constr_ubs = [] for constr in self.derivative_constr: if constr.x_domain[0] >= ub or constr.x_domain[1] <= lb: raise ValueError( f'Domain of constraint = {constr.x_domain} does not' f' overlap with domain of spline. lb = {lb}, ub = {ub}.' ) if constr.grid_size is None and self.constr_grid_size_global is None: raise ValueError('Either global or individual constraint grid size needs to be specified.') if constr.grid_size is not None: points = np.linspace(max(lb, constr.x_domain[0]), min(ub, constr.x_domain[1]), constr.grid_size) else: points_all = np.linspace(lb, ub, self.constr_grid_size_global) is_in_domain = constr.x_domain[0] <= points_all <= constr.x_domain[1] points = points_all[is_in_domain] n_points = len(points) if self.include_intercept: constr_matrices.append(self.spline.design_dmat(points, constr.order)) else: constr_matrices.append(self.spline.design_dmat(points, constr.order)[:, 1:]) constr_lbs.append([constr.y_bounds[0]] * n_points) constr_ubs.append([constr.y_bounds[1]] * n_points) if len(constr_matrices) > 0: self.constr_matrix_fe = np.vstack(constr_matrices) self.constr_lb_fe = np.hstack(constr_lbs) self.constr_ub_fe = np.hstack(constr_ubs) else: self.constr_matrix_fe = np.zeros((1, self.num_fe)) self.constr_lb_fe = [0.0] self.constr_ub_fe = [0.0]